How to login to your cPanel account?

How do you can access to your cPanel account?

You will receive a new email contains your website's cPanel login information at the first time you setup and activate the service, You can login through the default cPanel port 2082:

Your login interface will look like the following screenshot:

After success login you will be redirected to your control panel and you will find a statistics box on the right side containing general info about your website as you see in the following screenshot:

through the default webmail port 2095
  • شرح الدخول إلى سي بانيل, شرح دخول سي بانيل, شرح دخول cPanel, شرح سي بانيل, طريقة الدخول إلى سي بانل, شرح دخول سي بانل
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